In Kenya's socio-political landscape, Reverend Teresia Wairimu is a powerful figure whose influence reaches far beyond the pulpit. Her life story, filled with both triumphs and...
Despite her family's prominent background, the Reverend has candidly shared her academic challenges, particularly in comparison to her siblings. She recalls her father's belief that her...
Prof. Migot-Adhola's expertise influenced policies across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He provided guidance on rural development strategies and essential land reforms. His work underscored the...
Kenya’s strategic shift in seeking alternative financing could have lasting effects across sub-Saharan Africa. By exploring new funding sources outside traditional multilateral institutions, Kenya may inspire...
Hakuzimana's case underscores the persistent sensitivities surrounding the Rwandan genocide, which claimed the lives of around 800,000 people—mostly Tutsis and moderate Hutus—within a mere 100 days...
A significant portion of this labor force is responsible for assembling drones, handling chemicals, and painting the products. In the first half of the year, 182...
Historically, Israel has experienced a sense of vulnerability due to perceived threats from neighboring Arab nations. Establishing a strategic presence in Somaliland could significantly bolster its...
Somalia's current administration aims to strengthen alliances with other East African countries and African Union peacekeeping forces while minimizing Ethiopian involvement, reflecting a preference for a...
The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), under the elusive Joseph Kony, inflicted terror on Uganda for more than 20 years, displacing nearly two million people and leaving...
“We must uphold the spirit of the Constitution. Altering term limits is unnecessary and risks destabilizing our democratic principles,” says President William Ruto