Fueled by her passion, Rukia Ahmed established the Green North Eastern Initiative, a community organization focused on enhancing climate resilience in northern Kenya. "I collaborate with...
BIO entered Kenya in 2019, focusing on sectors where private sector involvement could drive development. Its initial impact came through partnerships with local financial institutions, providing...
SC JUZA is crafted to simplify banking. With its user-friendly interface, customers can effortlessly apply for loans, manage their finances, and access a range of banking...
Billian ojiwa's eight-year-old grassroots movement known in the Kiswahili parlance as the Ficha Uchi ( hide our nakedness) initiative(FUI) gives empathy,honour and hope to primary school...
In Kenya, Dubai Islamic Bank has carved out a strong presence in the corporate banking sector, setting itself apart from conventional banks by focusing on its...
Stanbic Bank's initiatives are also in line with global sustainability standards and frameworks, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its green financing strategy follows the...
Co-operative Bank expects to maintain strong momentum in its business operations, driven by ongoing digital transformation initiatives and strategic partnerships. The bank remains committed to a...
The growth can be primarily attributed to increased revenue from loans. Concurrently, the bank strategically decreased its investments in local government bonds by 8%, bringing the...
The loan agreement with DEG is designed to offer Stanbic Kenya flexible financing terms, enabling the bank to effectively utilize these funds for a range of...
Looking forward, Co-operative Bank expects to maintain strong momentum in its operations, driven by its ongoing digital transformation initiatives and strategic partnerships. The bank remains focused...